10% Discount Code: TheLegend
Age: 28 (DOB: 12/4/85)
Hometown: Chicago, IL
Primary Running Discipline: I grew up doing martial arts as a kid as well as gymnastics. I competed at the elite level through high school and into college. When I first started college I decided quickly to switch things up and found myself in the world of competitive cheerleading. We ranked in the top 5 teams nationally my first two years on the team and in the top 10 my last two. During graduate school I found myself lost and searching for a new outlet. During this time I found obstacle racing and more specifically Spartan Race. I was hooked. I trained like an animal and went after the hardest race I could find, the Death Race. After finishing my first year I decided to start my own 24 hour adventure race and pitched the idea of a shorter idea to bridge the gap between Spartan Race and Death Race to Joe De Sena. A year later I launched the Hurricane Heat Twelve Hour, an endurance race that falls under the Spartan banner. While leading these events I train myself by carrying a weighted ruck and pacing participants through most of their course. My goals are to take on more ultra marathons and endurance events such as the Triple Anvil Triathlon (Triple Ironman) and GoRuck Selection. Hopefully I’ll throw some other advnenture races in the mix as well. My dream goals are to summit some of the tallest mountains including Mt. Baker, Rainier, and eventually Everest.
Favorite Race Food/Hydration:
Trail Mix, Beef Jerky, Skittles
Your Inspiration:
My mother and father.
Your Day Job:
Managing Editor of Spartan Blog/Magazine
Cheat Day:
Burgers, Pizza, Ben and Jerry’s Karamel Sutra
Why Trail Toes:
It kept my feet blister free after 66 hours on my feet with only 2 applications at the 2014 Peak
Death Race in Pittsfield, VT. 2015
Greatest Life Achievement:
Finishing the 2014 Peak Death Race with the most laps completed during the mountain time trial. Finding a way to take my passion and turn it into my career.

10% Discount Code: Livewire
Age : 38
Hometown: Dayton, OH
Primary Athletic Disciplines:
Extreme Endurance, Adventure Racing, Obstacle Course Racing, Ultramarathons
In 2008, I began running again after two high risk pregnancies that left me with both health issues and a significant amount of weight gain from bed rest. Having been a life long athlete, it didn't take much time before I was winning age groups and events in road running. In 2011, a group of friends from from basic training decided we should have our reunion at Tough Mudder, Wintergreen. That event was the driving force to propel me into competing in OCR, leading to ultramarathons and adventure racing. I became a sponsored/elite athlete in 2014, and I have continued have the drive and passion to compete.
I am currently training to run the Wild Atlantic Way, 1,611 miles from County Donegal to County Cork in Ireland. In addition, I continue to train for events like World's Toughest Mudder, Fuego y Agua Survival Run, and Spartan Ultra Beast events. Last year, I relied on Trail Toes to assist me in keeping my feet healthy as I ran with fellow athlete, Mark Wood, across the United Kingdom (277 miles, over the 3 highest peaks in Wales, England, Scotland) in the name of raising money for Breast Cancer Now.
Favorite Race Food/Hydration:
My favorite race foods are Roots Hummus, Epic Bars, Oloves Lemon Rosemary, Mama Chia fruit pouches and Rice Krispy Treats. For hydration, I use HoneyBadger hydration...lemon lime is my favorite!
My Day Job:
I am the General Manager of a historic seasonal resort, that also hosts race events and trainings. In addition, I own an athlete training company and a social media marketing company called LW Marketing. Most importantly, I am a full time single MOM! I am also currently the marketing director for Trail Toes.
Best and Worst Race Experiences:
My best race experiences include the Death Race Challenge, in which I competed in Winter, Mexico, and Summer back to back. In addition to the Fuego y Agua Survival Runs in Nicaragua. The worst experience in a race event came at World's Toughest Mudder in 2014, the year year of the 60 mph sand storm. I was nearing 45 miles with my Teammates when I became hypothermic and had to be pulled from the race course.
Cheat Day:
Gluten Free Cheese Pizza and Chocolate Chex! On rare occasion I have a Virgil's Root Beer and Reeses Pieces!
Why Trail Toes:
Trail Toes has been my secret to foot care since 2014, when I used the cream and tapes in my death races, especially in summer DR when we covered 146 miles and were awake for 70 hours. My feet were beautiful, not one hot spot, one blister, and were as pretty as the day I started the event. I have tried many other solutions to friction, and since then I have used nothing but Trail Toes in all my events, especially those with water. I swear by it.
2017-18 Event Schedule:
Arctic Warrior - 1st place
Polar Bear Challenge - 5th fem.
Hellblazer - 1st female
Wicked Root - 2nd female fin.
Toughest Mudder Atlanta
Toughest Mudder Europe
Toughest Mudder Midwest
World's Toughest Mudder
Spartan Iceland
Wild Atlantic Way Attempt
Fuego Y Agua SR Nicaragua
Greatest Athletic Acheivements:
2014 Female Death Race Challenge Winner; only person to complete 2 BFX wins back to back days; 3rd place team Toughest 24 Hr Extreme Sweden; Hellblazer Ultramarathon 1st place female, 5th overall
Greatest Life Achievement:
My two amazing kids! Nothing I achieve in any other aspect of life will compare to that!

10% Discount Code: RunNatural
Age: 47
Hometown: Flagler Beach
Primary Athletic Disciplines: I was inspired by my brother Jack to start running after I moved to the beach to begin to start a family. Prior to doing so I stayed in shape playing women’s competitive soccer. Prior to that I was a dancer, and even considering doing that for a career at a certain point. I had always been active and so wanted to stay that way prior to having children and after. I did not expect to fall in love with running like I did and to build a career out of it. In addition to running I love to strength train and do yoga. I hold certifications in both. Additionally, due to previous injury I believe they both enable me to run long distances. I am motivated to train because I truly love to work my body and to run. However, racing wise I hope to one day complete Hardrock. The Keys 100 this year will be a qualifier for me to do Cruel Jewel 100 next May as qualifier for Hardrock 2017.
Website/Blog: www.RunNaturalCoach.com www.Jacks50k.com
Favorite Race Food/Hydration: Exercise Hydration Mix by Skratch Labs
Your Inspiration:
I am inspired by my brother who died at the age of 23 but was already following his passion and loved animals and running. I am inspired by my sister’s strength who is currently battling stage 4 breast cancer. I am inspired by my love for my children to stay fit and healthy for them. And I am inspired by my ultra friend’s amazing accomplishments….you know who you are!
Your Day Job:
I am a running coach and personal trainer with RunNaturalCoach.com
Best and Worst Race Experiences: (Include what you learned from it) Best race experience was Azalea 12 hour this past November. I ran the furthest I ever have, 54 miles, on pavement no less. I learned that when you set out with the intention to enjoy a race and let the rest follow good things will happen. I ended up winning overall female and coming in 4th overall. I also got to enjoy running with a former client and friend for 5 hours, which really gave new depth to our friendship. I learned that I am stronger than I thought I was! Worst race experience would be Croom 100k this past January. It was my first DNF. I was not absorbing my nutrition due to it being very hot and got very sick 52 miles in from hyponatremia. I learned that one’s health is always more important than finishing and also that I was allergic to what I was using for my nutrition and in addition to heat was why I was not absorbing it. It lead me to my new nutrition sponsor Skratch Labs. I learned about the bodies amazing wisdom and capacity to heal. And most importantly I learned to always listen to your inner voice… no matter what!
Cheat Day:
I enjoy red wine, a nice steak and dark chocolate for dessert ?
Why Trail Toes:
Before Trail Toes I had terrible problems with blisters if I ran over 20 miles…which just would not do for running ultras. Prior to running my first 100 in Keys this year I knew I had to find a solution otherwise it would be my undoing. I happened upon Lisa Smith-Batchens report on her quad across Death Valley. I thought if this product can keep her feet looking this good after 540 miles than it most certainly can help me. I contacted Vincent and the rest is history! So happy to be a part of the trail toes family!!!
2017 Event Schedule:
Greatest Life Achievement:
(Running or otherwise) My two boys would be my greatest accomplishment However running wise I am proud to be able to run the distances I do, considering in 2010 I was told due to a labral tear in my hip that I would not be able to do so. That is what began my passion for helping others to overcome injury by focusing on their form, strength and mobility and the creation of my business RunNaturalCoach. I am very proud to have helped many runners overcome injury and get back to doing what they love for life!

First Team Trail Toes Couple
Karen Gonzalez – 47 - San Antonio
Manny Olivo– 46 - San Antonio
10% Discount Code: CowTippinDuo (Case Sensitive)
Primary Athletic Disciplines:
Karen - My children and my desire to get out there moving is why I started running. I ran as a hobby before the military and didn’t do much while in the Air Force (hold the jokes) J. I wanted to be a good example, especially to my kids, and also change the course of my family’s history of diabetes, heart disease, cancer etc. I am in good health and want to stay that way! I started with 5 k runs and did a few obstacle course and road runs. About 4 years ago I did my first trail run and loved it. This year I completed my first two ultra runs. My first was a 50k in April and a 50 miler in December 18. At 47, I never dreamed I would be doing this - let alone accomplishing these goals.
Manny - I tried out for our High School cross country team and the coach at that time stated I was in the wrong sport playing football, I lettered as an underclassman in track and cross country. After that I had ran 5ks to marathons. In addition to running, I love everything that has to do with being outdoors. Specifically, I like fishing, camping, hunting, hiking and traveling. What keeps me motivated? Inspirational movies and watching others accomplish goals
Favorite Race Food/Hydration:
Karen -Pickles, Fig Newtons, turkey wraps, ginger ale, and Gatorade
Manny - Beef jerky, spicy chicharrones, peachy rings, ham & cheese wraps. Hydration: vitalyte electrolytes, coke, and carbo pro.
Your Inspiration:
Karen - Manny (my fiancé) is my inspiration in taking trail running to an entirely new level. He has taught me that miles are ‘just a number’ and that mentally we can accomplish anything. If our minds are right, our bodies will follow suit. How true I found that to be! In the last 5 years I went from 5k runs to just completing a 50-mile trail run and am looking forward to my first 100k for 2019! My inspiration is also witnessing fellow runners of all ages out there running together with one common goal. The comradery that is shared among runners is so inspiring and watching others accomplish their personal goals is beyond moving for me. I feel just as excited to see someone cross that finish line regardless of distance and accomplish their personal triumphs.
Manny - I love using ROAR which are the initials of both of my grandparents. A lion roar is a loud deep prolonged sound in distressed or rage. I feel like a hungry lion when on the course.
Your Day Job:
Karen - I work full time as a DoD Contractor for the Defense Health Agency in the Medical IT field and work alongside Manny in his food truck on the weekends. (Cow Tippin BBQ)
Manny - Food truck owner called cow Tippin Bbq. We sell brisket, ribs, chicken, sausage pork and homemade sides.
Best and Worst Race Experiences:
Karen - My best AND worst experience directly relates to the use (or lack thereof of Trail Toes®) My first ultrarun in April, I was so excited! A 32-mile trail run and was so ready for it. Except, I forgot to apply Trail Toes® on my feet and was also using shoes that I didn’t put quite as many miles in before this day. After one loop (16 miles) I had two huge blisters on BOTH feet. Instead of concentrating on speed, pace, endurance etc., my mind was occupied on the pain of the blisters and just getting the run over with. I felt I could have had an entirely different experience for my first ultra, had I prepared better before the run. Fast forward to last week.. my second ultra. Manny and I decided to camp last weekend (rained non-stop for 24 hours before the run) and had little prep time/ sleep etc. but DID focus on my feet pre-race time. I applied Trail Toes® and great socks/shoes and 50 miles later, but feet wet and muddy were in amazing shape. Granted there were other challenges (this new distance for me) but crossed the finish line in high spirits and zero blisters.
Manny - Best race: Woodstock 100 miler where I gutted 80 miles on a hyperextended knee and I learned quitting was not an option and to grind it out till the finish.
Worst: Lonestar 100 Franklin mountains, DNF at a 50k learned how to keep myself hydrated and to keep myself nutritionally balanced. Learning how to conserve energy throughout the race.
Cheat Day:
Karen - A tall cold dark beer on draft and pizza/wings!!!
Manny - Tacos n shiner bock beer
Why Trail Toes®:
Karen - Trail Toes® was a game changer for me. When I started getting into running anything longer that 3 miles, it saved my feet! Any chance I get, I promote it to the people who don’t apply anything or are still using petroleum jelly.
Manny - I used a sample pack at a local trail race and noticed that I had no hot spots in the areas that are usually would blister. I continue to use Trail Toes® while running the habanero 100 km race where there was sand and dew that usually enters my shoes. Not one blister. I completely refocused my training plan to include Trail Toes® and the Tire-Trainer™ and I haven’t DNF or blistered sense.
Event Schedule:
Karen - Bandera Endurance Trail Run- 25k (jan) Hell Hills Trail Run -50k (April) Looking for 100k trail run to complete in 2019.
Manny - Bandera 100k, Tokyo Marathon, Badwater Salton Sea, Keys 100, Yeti 100, Great Cranberry 100, and San Diego 100
Greatest Life Achievement:
Karen - Being and Mom to a 16 & 18-year old and showing them that regardless of age or what life gives you, you can accomplish what you set your mind to. Personally, I don’t think I have done my ‘greatest life achievement’ yet. Excited to see what that will be! ;)
Manny - Having a great son and raising him to become the man that he is.

10% Discount Code: StayGroovy
Primary Athletic Disciplines:
Born in 1959 with severe club feet, I went through extensive surgeries and finally began to walk without casts around age 8. In 1993 I was in an accident and broke my neck (C2/C3). I was paralyzed from my neck down. The doctors gave me little chance to survive much less ever walk again. I made it thru the surgery where they fused my neck with a piece of my hip bone, placed a halo brace in my head, followed by 9 months of rehab. Learning to walk again was quiet hard. A year later I was standing on a cliff overlooking the ocean and decided I wanted to learn to surf! My doctors said NO! But I said I am not living, I need to do this. And so I did. I have been surfing ever since, mostly in the desolate areas of Baja Mexico with my husband Glen. I have always been into exercise, lifting weights, playing basketball and baseball. I still lift weights 5 days a week. Shortly after I was learning to surf, I competed in Open Ocean Long Distance Paddleboarding for one season. It was amazing! I needed to prove to myself that I could be in the middle of the ocean, all alone, and not be afraid of whatever was in the future for me. When I was 52, I decided to start running, mostly around my neighborhood. Since I am not a competitive person, I didn't want to run half or even marathons but I did and loved it, but there was always something missing for me until one day I was introduced to Ultra Running! This is where my heart was happiest. I haven't looked back. I love the spirit of the ultra running community, the caring that each person displays towards each other. With ultra running we are competing with ourselves and meeting personal goals. For me, surfing uncrowded waves in Baja and ultra running, gives me a quiet freedom. I have found that after loosing something so precious as moving, I never take a day for granted. I am grateful to be able to move, walk, run, surf, it is all a blessing.
Favorite Race Food/Hydration:
Muir Energy Fuel/ Unived US for hydration
Your Inspiration: (who or what inspires you)
One of my favorite quotes is:
“Life is either a great adventure or nothing” - Helen Keller
Your Day Job: (How you really pay the bills)
I am a retired H.H.P.
Best and Worst Race Experiences: (Include what you learned from it)
My best race experience was when I hit the 100 mile mark on my 59 hour birthday treadmill run. I still had 29 hours to go! I was so focused and realized I can do so much more than I ever thought possible. I was and am so proud of myself. I would say my worst race experience was when I was running the Coldwater Rumble in Arizona and rolled my ankle around 11pm with only 12 miles to go. I had to turn around and limp out of there. It was disappointing but I made so many new friends and found that what happened was not a failure, but a learning experience. I always try to look on the bright side of things.
Cheat Day: (what do you eat, or drink when taking a cheat day?)
I am pretty boring regarding this. I’ll have a few vegan chocolate chip cookies or a glass of red wine.
Why Trail Toes:
I have NEVER had a blister since using Trail Toes. I have NEVER had ANY chafing anywhere since using Trail Toes! Why use something else when you have already found the best! I also love the tire trainer! Adding this to my workout has increased my strength and endurance! I painted my tire, gave it a name, and off I go twice a week! It is a lot of fun!
Event Schedule:
2018 - Across The Years 6 day Ultra - AZ
2019 - Coldwater Rumble 52 miler (100 miler maybe?) - AZ
2019 - Orange Curtain 100K - CA
2019 - Pirates Cove 24 Hour Ultra - CA
2019 - San Diego Half Marathon (Legacy Runner) - CA
2019 - Cirque Du Griffith Park 24 Hour Ultra - CA
2019 - 60 HOUR Birthday Treadmill Run - CA
2019 - Javalina Jundred - AZ
Greatest Life Achievement: (Running or otherwise)
My greatest life achievement is believing in myself! I survived being paralyzed, I live every day happy and smiling. I appreciate everything and everyone, especially my amazing husband Glen.

10% Dicount Code: BooHag
Age: 46
Hometown: Columbia, SC
Primary Running Discipline:
For about 15 years, I deluded myself into thinking that I was the same decently fit guy I was back in high school, college and the Navy. But my sedentary lifestyle caught up with me when I wasn’t looking. By the time I hit 40, I’d ballooned up to 215 lbs, which isn’t a good look on someone who is only 5’ 7. So, six years ago, on my 40th birthday, I decided that I would go for a run. I made it maybe a third of mile before I came puffing back to the house. It sucked, but it was a start. So, the next day I did the same loop but added a few more steps. Over time, the distance added up. Soon I was competing in OCR’s, trail ultras and endurance events like the Peak Death Race and England’s Cliff Top Challenge. What do I get out of it? Freedom. When I’m out in the middle of nowhere, with nothing but the trail to focus on, everything becomes simple. Run. Breathe. Relax. That’s all that matters. The rest of the world will sort itself out. Right now, I’ve become mildly obsessed with seeing how far I can push myself, physically and mentally. I want to take on more multi-day events, and more importantly, make my own solo challenges. For example, The 350+ mile Palmetto Trail is calling, as is tackling the three highest peaks in SC at one time.
Website/Blog: www.boohagracing.com
Favorite Race Food/Hydration: Hummus, quinoa, bacon and coconut water
Your Inspiration: Those ordinary people you see every day, in the gym, on the trail, wherever, putting in hard work and long hours.
Your Day Job:
Sign maker and race director for Boo Hag Races
Best and Worst Race Experiences:
Strangely enough they were during the same event. At the 2012 Peak Death Race, I was about 50 hours in and the skin on my left toes was peeling off like a grape. Looking at them, I knew I was done. After I’d put so much into training, diet, and mental preparedness, that to be sidelined by my feet was devastating. As I was getting ready to pack it in and head back to base with my tail between my legs, my kids Rowan and Eamon stopped me dead. ”You said we weren’t allowed to let you quit. Get up and get moving. You’ve got this.” Seeing them there, believing in me when I was at my absolute lowest, saved me. I finished 7th that year, and I know I couldn’t have down it without them.
Cheat Day:
Honestly? Anything that isn’t nailed down. Especially Double Stuff Oreos. They’re like Kryptonite.
Why Trail Toes:
See that “Worst Race Experience” question? Well, there you go. I started using Trail Toes shortly after DR and NOTHING I’ve tried works as well, regardless of the situation. I’ve put trail toes through every situation I can come up with from snow-capped mountains to waist deep swamps and it’s never let me down.
2017 Event Schedule:
Greatest Life Achievement: My amazing family Yeah, I know it sounds sappy, but because of Marti and the kid’s love, tolerance and understanding, I’ve been able to build a pretty incredible life so far. No race or award can beat that.

10% Discount Code: IRunItAll
Age: 29
Hometown: Chicago
Primary Athletic Disciplines:
AROO everyone! My name is Mary Carideo and I run everything! I have been running for three years now and some highlights are: I have run 5 marathons-including The Disney Dopey, finished World’s Toughest Mudder, received a sextuple (6) Spartan trifecta last year, helped Sean Hall who has cerebral palsy complete a trifecta, and I have an IR4 buddy, Phillip who is so amazing! I am so thankful for The Trail Toes Family that keeps my feet gorgeous with no blisters and my body ready to go!
This year, I am training for a 50-miler trail race, The Ultra Beast in Vermont, World’s Toughest with a minimum of 50 miles, The 30 hour SISU Iron, and many more. I have also lost over 100 pounds since 2007 and continue to get stronger. When I am feeling down, I think of Sean and Phillip and know that Can’t is not in my vocabulary! Every year I am getting faster and stronger and always thinking about what goal I can shatter! There’s No Rest For The Wicked!
Favorite Race Food/Hydration: White Castle cheeseburgers and loaded potatoes
Your Inspiration:
Sean Hall and my IR4 Buddy, Phillip Perez
Your Day Job: I’m a college counselor and I teach a College Seminar Class for high school seniors.
Best and Worst Race Experiences:
I would say World’s Toughest Mudder last year both the best and worst race experience. It was the best because I persevered through a huge sand storm that even the toughest competitors got hyperthermia or left and was disqualified. I only rested 3 hours in 24 hours. It was the worst because I was by myself doing the course, yes I had help from others, but no one that I really knew. I was proud because I set out for 50 miles, but compared to others I knew, 7 laps-35 miles was great, Especially for my first time. I learned so much especially about gear and nutrition. I ate too much in one sitting and got nauceous. I had to rest for 2 hours and I was so cold! I woke up at 3am hot from the toe packs, ate a piece of KFC chicken and a biscuit with honey, put my contacts in with a tiny mirror in the trailer with a sandstorm going on and said to my crew girl Raquel, I’m ready, put me in my wet suit. That was it…no turning back.
Cheat Day:
(what do you eat, or drink when taking a cheat day?) I don’t really have a designated cheat day. It works because I’ve lost over 100 pounds. I eat everything in moderation. On race weekends it is a huge bacon cheeseburger with sweet potato fries and a Jameson.
Why Trail Toes:
It is the best stuff I have ever come across! I have done 24 hour races, I just finished a 15 hour training for a 30 hour race and my feet and body were perfection! It keeps everything from rubbing and chaffing. Magic stuff!
2017 Event Schedule:
Greatest Life Achievement: (Running or otherwise) Losing 100 pounds + without surgery and being motivated everyday even on days where I’d rather lie on the couch and watch movies.

10% Discount Code: nursealicat
Age: 35
Hometown: Lexington, SC
Primary Athletic Disciplines: Endurance events, OCR and running
Website/Blog: www.musclesmudandmascara.com
Favorite Race Food/Hydration: PB&J’s, Tuna packs and Babybels for long endurance events, Gu’s for short runs, FitAid and Tailwind
Your Inspiration: Being told I can’t do something. I’m stubborn and overly ambitious, if someone challenges me it becomes my mission to prove them wrong. Sometimes this is a good and a bad thing, LOL.
Your Day Job: I’m an operating room nurse that also works PRN at a mental health prison on the weekends
Best and Worst Race Experiences: DNF’s suck. My first DNF was at the Spartan Agoge 002. This was the best and worst race experience. I learned how to push past my limits by continuing on a broken ankle for about 6-7 hours. Learning that events don’t always go as planned, you can’t win/finish every race. If you do, then you haven’t faced a hard enough challenge. Learning how t mentally accept defeat, learn from it and come back stronger was by far the best and worst experience I’ve had. I realized I don’t want what’s easy, I want to feel the joy of embracing the pain and completing challenges head on.
Cheat Day: Red Wine and tacos are my favorite things and my weakness
Why Trail Toes: It saves my skin, and keeps me pain free (not just my feet either)! When I use it, I never get blisters or chaffing. It is the best product out there for athletes.
2017-18 Event Schedule: This October, I will be completing my Spartan Delta in Dallas at the Ultrabeast, I hope to be in the top 20 women of the world to complete the Spartan Delta. I’m very much a last minute event sign-up type of person. I haven’t made my schedule yet, but I do know I will do some international races. I will be traveling with Team SISU #likeagirl next summer. I hope to do the summer Spartan Agoge in Vermont in 2018 as well, and maybe even the Spartan Agoge in Mongolia next fall. I’ll definitely participate in plenty of Hurricane Heats too. If it’s long and tortuous, I want in!
Greatest Life Achievement: After breaking my ankle at the Spartan Agoge 002 in Vermont, only 4 months later I participated in Spartan Agoge 003 and not only finish, but got a delta medal. It was one of the hardest events I’ve ever done and I’m extremely proud to have finished Agoge 003 on the Great Wall of China

10% Discount Code: rbelmont10
Age : 23
Hometown: Old Bridge, NJ
Primary Athletic Disciplines:
100 Miler/Ultramarathons
Your Inspiration for running:
To overcome absolutely every mental and physical barrier I previously thought was unattainable. For me, that includes overcoming 3 knee surgeries (with my last being in 2016), giving up running competitively in college to pursue marathon running, completing 100 milers, and chasing my goal of running a marathon on every continent (including locations such as deserts in the Middle East), with 3 left to go. Running has helped me continue to challenge myself in every way possible, allowing me grow and mature into the woman I have always wished to become.
Favorite Race Food/Hydration:
A bacon grilled cheese at Mile 75/80 always hits the spot 😉 But, in terms of my preferred hydration and race day supplements, I stick with Hammer Nutrition.
My Day Job:
I am an accelerated nursing student enrolled at Rutgers University New Brunswick.
Cheat Day:
Chicken Nachos and Oreo Cheesecake
Why Trail Toes:
Trail Toes has an incredible reputation for helping ultramarathoners competing at the most elite level, including Badwater 135 athletes. Between the tight knit community and level of effectiveness the products provide, I cannot be happier to join this remarkable brand!
Greatest Life Achievement:
I would say it is a tie between being the youngest female finisher at the 2019 Keys 100-miler or winning the 2019 NJ One Day 24 Hour Race-running 106 miles around a 1-mile loop. The Keys was memorable because it was my first 100 miler ever-and brutal, at that. There were so many moments where I doubted I would finish, between dealing with trench foot, a heat index over 100, severe chafing, heat stroke, hallucinations, and nausea. That race helped me create a bulletproof mindset, which I utilized to win NJ One Day, where I ran around a circle in 20-degree weather for 106 miles straight, having to walk the last 2.5 hours due to foot pain.
Race goals for the year:
On May 16, I will be running a virtual 100 Miler on a treadmill with a fundraising attempt close to my heart. I’ll be using the money I raise to buy COVID masks from Liquid Sky, a famous skydiving suit company which has recently changed its business plans to adapt to the pandemic and keep their employees with a steady income. After purchasing the masks, I will be distributing them to struggling hospitals throughout the tristate area.
Additionally, over the next year I will be working on one of my biggest goals, which is to become one of the few women to ever complete the Mt. Everest Ultramarathon. This is a 3 week-long event (requiring each runner to acclimatize), with the race itself starting at Base Camp (17k feet) and commencing at Namche Bazaar.
10% Discount Code: rbelmont10
Age : 23
Hometown: Old Bridge, NJ

Cheyenne Espinosa
10% Discount Code: CheyCheyMarie
Age: 20
Hometown: Corona, CA
Primary Running Discipline: Ultra/Trail Running
Website/Blog: N/a
Favorite Race Food/Hydration:
Rice Krispy Treats & Vitamin Water
Your Inspiration for running: I never truly had an inspiration to run when I first started other than “being good” as I have grown I have come to realize that I’m inspired by those who can’t do what I do. Growing up especially through high school, I had the mindset that I HAD to run, and now that I've matured and grown up I have changed that mindset to I GET to run. I get to get up every day and stand on my own two feet and lace up my shoes and run. My sister was born with a heart defect and it ultimately ended her soccer career when she was 16. She underwent open heart surgery at 16 and the strength and courage she had the entire time was something you don't see everyday. I run for her, I run for the kids that may not have a household that supports them, I run for those who physically can’t, I run for those who say I can’t to prove a point. Running doesn't provide an escape it provides me a doorway and the possibilities are endless.
Your Day Job:
A college student
Cheat Day:
Chicken Nuggets and sour gummy worms
Why Trail Toes:
I have always wanted to be a part of a company that will help my running career and provide me with the best products that can help me become an even better runner.
Best and Worst Race Experience:
Best race experience would be my Paramount 50k. I was first in my age group and it was that day where I became an official ultra runner. Worst race experience was Kettle Moraine in WI. It thunderstorm the entire race, trails were about knee deep in mud, it was purely awful.
Greatest Athletic Achievement:
Winning a league championship my sophomore year of highschool and becoming one of the top sophomores.
Greatest Life Achievement: Helping and serving others in my community. I work with local nonprofits and organizations like the boys and girls club to encourage healthy living styles, exercise programs, tutoring, those that may be living in poverty areas.
Race goals for the year:
Completing my first 100 miles at Rocky Raccoon in February is my main goal. My next goal is to go back to Kettle Moraine and destroy that course.

Christopher Coker
10% Discount Code: Your Choice NCTRAILRUNNER
Age: 46
Hometown: Goldsboro, NC
Primary Running Discipline: Trail/Ultra runner
Website/Blog: N/A(at this time but seriously thinking of starting a blog
Favorite Race Food/Hydration:
Huma gels, GU Roctane drink, Pringle’s, Snickers, Justin’s male almond butter. I could on and on!
Your Inspiration for running:
initially it was weight loss. Now it is what keeps me grounded. I can have terrible day at work get off and go to the trails for some miles and everything is all better. I also love the ultra-community. Everyone is so friendly and that keeps me inspired. I like the hard grind of a long race. The battle in your mind that’s telling you to quit but you tell it to shut up and keep going. I’m addicted to it!
Your Day Job:
Head of Grounds at a prestigious all girls private school
Cheat Day:
Veggie Fajitas with all the chips and salsa
Why Trail Toes:
I’ve tried many other brands and TT is hand’s down the best I’ve used. It does a great job protecting the high risk chaffing areas. It lasts a long time after application and I’ve also noticed it soothes areas that are already chaffed.
Best and Worst Race Experience:
Best Race experience would be doing Ironman Louisville a few years ago. It was a tough day. Rained the entire day and cold temperatures. I trained for a very long time for the race. Crossing that finish line with all those people downtown cheering us. My wife and three sons waiting at the finish line for me. It was a great experience.
Worst Race experience was my first and only road marathon. I went into it somewhat undertrained. At about mile nineteen all the sugary drink mix and maltodextrin gels caught up to my stomach. I couldn’t keep anything down for the rest of the race. I bonked pretty hard! Also my legs were just completely trashed from the pounding on the road. I haven’t done one since!
Greatest Athletic Achievement:
Doing the Rim to Rim to Rim at the Grand Canyon. It was a super hard day but so beautiful. I recommend any one that loves running trails do it!
Greatest Life Achievement:
Being a Father to three sons, being a recovering addict since 2004, going back to school at thirty-five and getting a degree.
Race goals for the year:
It’s late in the year but I still have Pinhoti 100 in less than two weeks. I have South Mountains 50k in the NC Mountains, Uwharrie 40 and Umstead 100 so far for next year.

Rosalba Lara
10% Discount Code: BillyGoat10
Age: 38
Hometown: Santa Cruz, CA
Primary Running Discipline: I run trails, those are my favorite, but sometimes I can't get to the mountains so I run pavement. I also cycle, lift weights, and do CrossFit as my cross training.
Website/Blog: IG: https://instagram.com/crazyrunning28?igshid=159nmxwqcqax5
Favorite Race Food/Hydration:
tortilla with avocado, salt and chicken
Your Inspiration for running:
Depression, my kids my family they inspire me to run. Depression can take everything that is most beautiful to your soul Ive learned that life is not meant to be easy so I have learned to just roll with the punches and fight depression back by staying healthy, being active and surrounding myself with people that have the same goals and share the same love for the trails.
Your Day Job:
sales with AAFES
Cheat Day:
BEER and pizza
Why Trail Toes:
I've been a user of the product ever since my first ultra-run where I lost my toe nails and had really bad blisters. I would chafe really bad. Using this product has prevented me from enduring all that. I have always recommended it because it actually works and helps with my running and cycling.
Best and Worst Race Experience:
Best Race experience: Franklins 50K and wining 2nd place in women's, running my first 100k after being injured with a broken ankle “Running the Rose” till this day it's one of my favorite races and most memeorible, yes I was 21 and 8th woman overall but I trained super hard up and down my mountains with my boot on my foot looking like a crazy runner.
Worst Race experience: finding out that I have Rhabdomyolysis (rare case where tissue is damaged and releases protein into my blood stream that damages my kidneys) when racing Lone Star 100 miler my first 100 mile race. They told me I would never be able to run more than 5k if that, little did they know I wouldn’t let that stop me. Its taken a lot of me and yes I still sometimes rhabdo but I always come back and give it my all I do not let it hinder me from achieving my goals.
Greatest Athletic Achievement:
Completing the 73k run in Switzerland in the Alps my dream race, with my elevation of almost 25,000.
Greatest Life Achievement:
Raising 3 beautiful children to be the successful and amazing young adults that they are.
Race goals for the year:
some of my goal races for this year god willing are Bryce 60k, Jemez 50 miler in Los Alamos, Pikes Peak 50k ultra in Colorado, Dead Horse 50k in Moab, Franklins 100k here in my home town of El PASO. There will be more added to the list as time goes by hoping that none get cancelled.

Kennedy Hall
10% Discount Code: Kennedy_10
Age: 22
Hometown: Arlington, VA
Primary Running Discipline:
Website/Blog: IG:
Favorite Race Food/Hydration:
Your Inspiration for running:
To better myself each and every day and push my own limits.
Your Day Job:
Government Contractor
Cheat Day:
Taco Bell
Why Trail Toes:
No other anti-chafe product has worked quite as well as Trail Toes, and I also love the opportunity to support a fellow veteran!
Best Race Experience:
OSS/CIA Virtual 50 Miler; I ran it alone with two friends crewing me overnight and even though it was tough, seeing them every so often really made everything worth it and it was a HUGE achievement for me!
Worst Race Experience:
Quarantine Backyard Ultra; I ran this in the Florida summer heat and wasnt properly hydrating. I had to pull the plug because I had completely stopped sweating, and suffered the consequences for a few days after the race as well.
Greatest Athletic Achievement:
Its a tie between scoring a perfect on my PT test at Basic Training and setting the Female FKT on the Arlington Loop, a 32 mile route in my (new) hometown.
Greatest Life Achievement:
Getting into Penn State for a Masters degree program!
Race goals for the year:
Run my first 100 miler (in 2021)!